Childcare Providers

Child Safeguarding

Childcare Providers

Child Safeguarding

Child Safeguarding

Any person who has a concern that a child is being abused or neglected, should report that concern to Tusla.

Your service will have Child Safeguarding Procedures in place for you to follow regarding the steps you need to take in relation to your child safeguarding role.

The Tusla Duty Social Work Team can be contacted on 061 588688.

make a report

Making a Mandated Report Out of Hours

Mandated reporters can now access Tusla’s emergency out-of-hours social work service. If you are a mandated reporter and wish to report a case of child harm to Tusla, you can contact our out-of-hours social work service on 0818 776 315 between 6pm and 6am every night and between 9am and 5pm on Saturdays, Sundays and bank holidays.

If you cannot contact Tusla and have an immediate concern about the safety of a child, please contact An Garda Síochána.

Mandated Report Out of Hours

National Child Safeguarding Programme for Early Learning & Childcare Services

The National Child Safeguarding Programme is funded by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) and works in conjunction with Childcare Committees Ireland (CCI), Comhar Naíonraí na Gaeltachta (CNNG) and Tusla’s Children First Information and Advice Service (CFIAS) to tailor and develop Children First Training, resources and information to support child centred practice, that keeps children safe from harm while attending Early Learning and Childcare Services in Ireland.

Please click here, to find out more and to access relevant information and resources on child safeguarding.

National Child Safeguarding Programme


Clare County Childcare Committee,
1 Kilrush Road,
Clonroad Beg,
Ennis, County Clare, Ireland

Phone: 065 6864862


Opening Times:

Monday - Thursday 9-5pm
Friday 9-4pm
(Lunch 1-2pm)

Company Registered Number: 349550
Registered Charity Number: 20050641

National Website:

Please click here to view the National Website for Early Learning and Childcare.

© 2025 Clare County Childcare Committee
Web Design by Artvaark Design