
Finding Childcare


Finding Childcare

How can I find a childcare place?

Childcare is now also referred to as ‘Early Learning & Care’ (ELC) and ‘School Aged Care’ (SAC) and you will also see it referred to as ‘Early Years Services’.

Tusla provides a list of all Childcare Providers (including Childminders) that have registered to Tusla in Clare. Please click on the button below which bring you to the most up to date lists for each county.

Early Years services by county

School aged childcare services (SAC)

To find the most up to date list of School Aged Childcare services (SAC) registered to Tusla in Clare, please click on the button below for the national register and go to the Clare section.

School Aged Care services

How can I find a parent and toddler group?

Please click here to access the list of Parent and Toddler groups in Clare.

For further details on Parent and Toddler Groups in Clare, please call our office on 065 6864862 or e-mail

Setting up a Parent & Toddler Group

If you do not have a Parent & Toddler group in your area and are interested in setting one up, please contact Clare County Childcare Committee. Phone: 065 6864862 or Email:

Parent and Toddler Groups Clare

How to find an inspection report for a childcare service by Tusla?

Please click on the button below to find inspection reports carried out by Tusla

Tusla Inspection Reports

How to find an inspection report for a childcare service by the Department of Education?

Please click on the button below to find inspection reports carried out by the Department of Education, be sure to select ‘Clare’ in the dropdown for ‘County’ and ‘Early Years Education’ in the drop down under ‘Sector’.

Department of Education Inspection Reports

What to think about when looking for a childcare place?

Tusla have devised a list of 5 Tips to consider when looking for and choosing a childcare service.

5 Tips to consider

Finding a pre-school place

Please click on the link below to the guide for parents which outlines what you need to think about when looking for a preschool place

Finding a Pre-School Place

Choosing a childminder

Please click on the button below for the guide on choosing a childminder.

Choosing a childminder

Voluntary notified childminders

You can contact the office of Clare County Childcare Committee to request a copy of the list of Voluntary Notified Childminders in Clare. Childminders who are minding 3 or less children (in their own home) or who are legally exempt from registering with Tusla may choose to voluntarily notify that they are providing a childminding service by contacting Clare County Childcare Committee.

Phone: 065 6864862   Email:

Clare County Childcare Committee does not accept responsibility for the services provided by any individual listed. The list does not constitute a recommendation of any service by Clare County Childcare Committee.  Parents are advised to consult with the Childminder to enquire about their specific service.


Clare County Childcare Committee,
1 Kilrush Road,
Clonroad Beg,
Ennis, County Clare, Ireland

Phone: 065 6864862


Opening Times:

Monday - Thursday 9-5pm
Friday 9-4pm
(Lunch 1-2pm)

Company Registered Number: 349550
Registered Charity Number: 20050641

National Website:

Please click here to view the National Website for Early Learning and Childcare.

© 2025 Clare County Childcare Committee
Web Design by Artvaark Design