Clare Parenting – New Online Resource
This website offers information on local services and parenting information. The website was initially developed as an action under the 2024-2026 Children and Young People’s Services Committee (CYPSC) Plan by the CYPSC Safe and Protected from Harm sub group (which consists of local partner agencies such as Clarecare, ISPCC, Clare County Childcare Committee and HSE Primary Care Psychology and Tusla).
This website was also developed in consultation with parents who have given invaluable ideas and suggestions to make the website relevant to parents needs.
Please click here to view the website and all the online resources that it offers.
Clare County Childcare Committee,
1 Kilrush Road,
Clonroad Beg,
Ennis, County Clare, Ireland
Phone: 065 6864862
Opening Times:
Monday - Thursday 9-5pm
Friday 9-4pm
(Lunch 1-2pm)
Company Registered Number: 349550
Registered Charity Number: 20050641
National Website:
Please click here to view the National Website for Early Learning and Childcare.